If someone is going down the wrong road , he doesn’t need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around.
Shri. Gitaram Bhagaji Mhaske is the founder member of this institution. Sacchidanand Kala, Krida & Shikshan Mandal’s seed was planted and now it is growing fast day by day. In our Parner surrounding there was not even a single English medium school. By identifying the need of English Medium school the school has started to solve the same problem. It has great response from the beginning throughout the Taluka along with this new educational course of 11th & 12th and B.ED colleges. The period of taking traditional education has totally outdated. Today we must find the modern age of education. The new line of education of farming a student to live his life independently on the basis of his ability, skill etc. The concept has grown to highest take in rural area but S.K.K.Education Society has tried its level best to provide this scheme of education to rural area for the students